Sunday 19 January 2014


Through out AS and A2 my creativity developed within various forms of media, and also in thought such as ideas.

The main form of creativity came within my photographs for my music magazine. Trying to come up with something that would suit the music genre which people could associate with , whilst trying to create something new was a challenge, and made me play around with the concepts of music magazines. Fonts and styling also played a key part within my music magazine. These were also quite selective due to having to fit the indie rock genre. I think that another aspect of creativity within the magazine task was creating a magazine name/logo. Although there are many examples to gain inspiration from, a lot of them are repeated, so once again trying to create something new that also looked professional at the same time was relatively difficult. The amount of creativity for a magazine is fairly limited in my opinion, due to the strong codes and conventions of magazines. These reduce the chance for creativity, as if these codes and conventions were to be challenge , and say a totally new magazine was produced, people may not like it due to being so used to what we know of magazines.

With the A2 task, I found that the ability for creativity was a lot higher. Music videos in todays world vary so much in style and what the audience sees that it is almost limitless as to what can be created. Already this task enabled me to be more creative than the music magazine, due to the nature of what I could create. I find that there is so much more that can be taken from a music video than a magazine , and this enables creativity to be truly displayed.

An example of this would be the use of narrative. A narrative is a story, of which this story could be anything. This in itself is a root for creativity to begin, as story's can be factual, false, made up, have a clear beginning middle or end, or simply not make sense. My narrative is creative as it explores the use of morals and stereotypes. The fact it also has no talking through out yet the audience can clearly see they are talking, lets the audience try and figure out what is being said, thus forming creativity from the audience. The fact that my video does not follow a typical ending to a narrative demonstrates my creativity in forming a  narrative that captures the audience and its not common to what the audience would expect.

My visuals are also creative through out my video. One way this is done is by the use of lighting to enhance the mood and vibe of the narrative of the video. I added a blue tint to the shots to make them emotive of the lyrics, as the lyrics are quite sad and slow. The end of my video is quite different to a typical narrative ending in terms of visuals, as a split screen effect is used to interpret two different endings. This is visually creative, as it is not a common scene to have within music videos, so I think by using it I have demonstrated that I had to use creativity to plan how the split screen would work and fit in with the story for both ending options.

I think that the ancillary tasks allow for a lot of creativity within A2. Digipaks have quite diverse images on them, which allowed me to experiment with photostyles and different items. Visualising a certain style or look helped me to develop a digipak and magazine advert that I liked. I wanted a digipak that stood out and followed the morals and lyrics of the song.

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