Tuesday 14 January 2014

How I used digital technology from AS to A2

In both AS and A2, my work has always been influenced by the use of digital technology. Discovering certain digital technologies in AS allowed me to use and develop skills, which thus enabled me to then further my choices of digital technologies in A2.

The internet holds a large amount of possibilities for the use of digital technology. Social networking sites have helped me to attract an audience to gain feedback for both my music magazine and my music video. I used the website Facebook to post links to my music magazine and music video so that numerous amounts of people could access them. I then attached a link that people could click on to participate in a survey, in which I used the website Survey Monkey to create. This enabled me to easily get feedback from my audience, which I then used to alter my magazine and music video to suit the audience's requirements and taste to a certain degree.

Using websites to upload my magazine work and music video work are almost the same. These include websites such as slideshare, issuu, prezi and youtube. This allowed me to display my work in various formats and made it appear more interesting. Prezi was great for presenting my work due to the movement from one bit of information to another and the different backgrounds and designs that could be used. I found youtube was more beneficial for my A2 work due to the large amount of footage that I needed to upload and share.

Blogger was a major website that contributed to the whole of my coursework. I used it for both AS and A2 and found it really easy to upload work with various formats from pictures to videos. It also made it easy to share with people so that they could see my work and progress. It also allowed me to keep track of where I was at certain points due to every post being dated which helped with my time management. The use of labels also allowed me to navigate through my work and find exactly what I needed.

This year, my blog is relatively similar to last years, however I have tried to vary the forms of digital technology that I used compared to AS. Instead of having more prezi's, powerpoints and word documents, I decided to not only use these formats, but to include more videos and voice recordings to embrace the use of digital technology and make my blog more interesting.

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